This is the first in a series of articles I'll be doing on blogging. Blogging is one of the most important aspects of setting yourself up professionally in social media. It's the perfect way to introduce yourself, establish yourself as an expert and showcase your products and services. It's your hub, your nerve center - the place to which you want to direct all your social media traffic. So your blog link should be on all your social media sites and you should drive your friends and followers to your blog - and, as you gain followers and prominence, you can generate significant leads to your own products and services.
In fact, blogs have become part of social media and website visitors' expectations - they expect to see a link to your blog. And they're fun! But even more important, they can change your business dramatically. Most mentors will tell you that you must have a blog to be successful in MLM and network marketing. So if you want to be really successful, you'll want to develop your own blog.
It's not that hard. You don't have to be a great author. Start simply and write about things you know - and write in everyday, conversational language so that you are easily understandable. But before you get started, take a bit of time to consider what direction you want your blog to take. Content is king on blogs. So consider carefully what you want to accomplish and what you want to write about. I think it's crucial to formulate your blog's general framework and direction before you really dive in. You want your blog to specifically promote you as an expert, a person of value in your field, so focus on your niche.
I'll be getting into a lot more detail in future articles and especially where to set up your blog. But for now, take some time to think about what you want your blog to be.