You can be the proverbial 'deer in the headlights' and run from everything you're afraid of. Or you can bite the bullet and confront your issues head on. One of the first things to understand is that you are not alone. Many people are afraid of blogging, making a video, getting on the phone, building social media relationships or network marketing the right way. And I'll bet that 95% of you would quickly identify with at least one of those issues.
Social media marketing is really about how you integrate the many different channels (Twitter, Facebook, You Tube, Digg, and your blog) together to build your lists, develop your relationships with your lists and convert your prospects into clients. (Go to, fill in your name and email and get your free flow chart - there's an animated version also - to see how social media really works.)
Nothing works in isolation. So you need to be present in as many aspects of networking marketing as you can. And that means you're likely to run into something you're afraid you can't do. I did. I put off making videos for weeks. Kept telling myself that no one would want to watch and listen to me. I mean, why would they? Nonsense. It really came down to my own fear of doing it. So, I went out, got a web cam and a digital video recorder and got started. The first video was a real struggle. I must have cut about 16 videos, trying to get a good one-minute intro on who I was and what I was about. But once I got it, I found the response was great. And the next one was much easier. I stopped worrying about it being perfect and just tried to state what I was saying clearly. Now I'm pretty comfortable making a video.
That's the way I work to overcome fear. Once you recognize what you're afraid of, tackle it. Get comfortable - it only takes some effort and determination and, bingo, you won't be afraid to do that again.
And it's all so important. Network marketing is an integrated process and you need all the pieces to play in the game.
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