Social Media is booming. It's likely to be THE dominant force of 21st century business marketing, with well over a billion people already present on the various sites. And it's growing by leaps and bounds. The sites are multitudinous - Facebook (ranked 2nd in Alexa global rankings with over 350 million users), You Tube (4th), Blogger (7th), My Space (12th), Twitter (14th) Wordpress (20th), LinkedIn (37th), and many, many more.
If you are building an internet-based, mlm or network marketing business, you need to establish a solid presence in as many of these sites as are appropriate for you. Of course you can't do them all at once and you need to keep in mind that 'social media' is, first and foremost, social. Facebook, for example, frowns mightily on people who attempt to sell their business opportunities directly and repeatedly - it's regarded as spamming and can cost you your facebook page. So you need to focus on developing your skills and drawing people to you to grow your business.
So where to start. A good friend of mine, Eric Williams, once described Twitter as your billboard and Facebook as the 800 lb gorilla of social media. I think that's a very apt tag for each site. And I'd recommend you start building your presence on each. And if a picture is worth a thousand words (and Facebook is great for pictures), what price a video? So add You Tube to your repertoire (what's that, you say? "I can't make a video" - nonsense. I was afraid of it too but now that I've made several, I look forward to them - and they're getting a good response too.)
And perhaps most important, consider what your hub is - because that's where you're going to be directing your traffic. And in today's world, your blog is almost certainly the best answer. Even most websites now incorporate a blog or direct visitors to their blogs. And that's where all your links will be, including your business opportunities. Each of your social media sites should link to your blog, and your blog should link back to them. Don't be afraid - you're not expected to be a Pulitzer prize-winning author. Start writing about what you know, keep it simple and try to give it some direction. But get started on a blog now. Remember the Little Engine That Could from one of my earlier blogs - 'I Think I Can, I Think I Can ... I Knew I Could!"
As you get started setting yourself up on social media, I strongly urge you to remember that a good picture of YOU and a transparent, interesting and comprehensive profile are the most important starter steps. Once you have those in place, you can start adding followers on Twitter and friends on Facebook regularly to build your lists - and build relationships with your lists. Concentrate on developing your foundation, master it - and then expand your efforts over time.
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