Little Emma Stull has rested up and is thinking about what to do next. And once she gets going, believe me, that little dynamo will be hard to stop. But you'll want to take a bit more measured approach to discovering how to get your start-up business off the ground and on the road to success. And as you do your research and development, you'll be getting all the parts you need to put a solid, realistic business plan together.
Once you've established your what and why, there are two preliminary but crucial questions for your traditional start-up business: 1) Is there demand for your product/service and 2) What is your competition?
For starters, get your list together - people you know, people in your town or city, store owners, groups or associations you've joined, professional associates you've worked with or used, competitors in or outside your area. Talk to them. Float your idea and note the response.
Go to your local Chamber of Commerce - they are probably your best front-line resource. Check out local universities and colleges - many of them have courses that can help you get started. Investigate professional associations in your field and contact them. And don't be afraid to talk with your competitors - you'll be surprised to find that many of them will share some of their experiences and knowledge with you, especially if you're not going to be in their backyard.
Use the internet to help establish and brand yourself - and extend your contact lists. Join Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn (they're free) - you can find people and groups to join in your industry that can be enormously informative and helpful.
Put all those serving men to work, gather the responses and information together and then THINK. Put together a checklist of all the things you need to do and then get started on each one - but remember to set a realistic schedule for yourself. You want to finish each day with a sense of achievement and if you overload yourself, you'll be overwhelmed.
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