Old Scratch was quite a character. He always wanted to share Sara's dinner, but could never quite reach it. Not for want of trying though. And that seems to be the case with most of the people who are trying to make it in MLM. They find their niche, start building their network, and then they start to market. But success is elusive. And the checks aren't big enough to make it worthwhile. So, what's the problem and how can you solve it?
First of all, you need a marketing approach that works for YOU. If you've chosen a company to represent, chances are you'll be trying to promote through the company's website. They'll give you all kinds of sales training. And your upline tells you that the 'warm' marketing approach is the way to go. They suggest you build your list of friends, family, acquaintances, professional contacts - people you know or with whom you have at least some contact. You'll get scripts which they insist are effective. And they may suggest you buy 'opt-in' leads.
You enthusiastically slog your way through everything they suggest. But your family, friends and acquaintances/associates want no part of your opportunity. You've talked with everyone you can think of - in stores, at social gatherings, anywhere and everywhere. Your personal social network gets exhausted and all you feel is that you're a pest. And cold-calling leads produces next to nothing. You wind up feeling stupid, inadequate and discouraged - and pretty much empty handed in your new MLM business. And all you get from your upline is "Just don't quit. The next call may be THE one that gets you going".
Yes, sometimes it does work - for people who are comfortable with the concept of 'warm' marketing. But that's a very small percentage - mostly people who are truly sales-oriented and have the personality to go along with it. But most of us aren't and can't work effectively that way. We're uncomfortable, unsuccessful and frustrated. We just can't reach success using the 'warm' approach.
I had some neighbors stop me once as I was working on my rose garden. They admired the bushes and asked me what I did to make them grow so beautifully. We chatted for quite a while. Wow. If I were a professional gardener, I had some new customers right there. I thought about that a lot. The difference was that they came to me! If I represented a gardening company, I could probably have signed them up on the spot, without doing any 'marketing' at all.
And that's the power of 'attraction' marketing. People come to you. They don't care about your product. They care about who you are, whether you're an honest and trustworthy person and professional. Someone who has something of value to offer them. Remember, people want to do business with people.
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