Have you ever had a squirrel run across the road in front of your car? You never know what that critter is going to do. He may get half way across, run in circles and then turn right around and run back directly in front of you. It just seems like he has no idea what to do. And you wind up holding your breath and hoping you don't squash him. I've been lucky. No squirrel has fallen victim to my wheels, but there have been many close calls.
One of the great things about working in an office is that you know exactly what is expected of you. Your job is defined. You do your tasks daily, go home and come back and do them again the next day. Comfortable routine - at least for some people. But if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, the very first thing you need to recognize is that YOU direct everything you do. And if you don't have a good balance to your life, a realistic plan for your business day and the determination to get it done, your home-based business enterprise won't go anywhere.
Don't expect instant success. If you've fallen for the hype that there are riches to be made overnight, you're in for a very rude awakening. And you probably don't belong in the entrepreneurial world. You need to apply some basic tools to get going right, and then you have to work very hard to bring your dream to fruition. It takes dedication and commitment to be a successful entrepreneur. And you'll probably have to discard a lot of bad habits.
Start your new entrepreneurial life with a blank page. Then focus on creating the person you want to be. Start your day with some exercise (a good walk would be great). Get the clutter out of your office and set your space up to be the central point of your business existence. Organize your day and allocate your time sensibly - don't try to accomplish more than you really can do. Stay focused on your goals. Select one thing you want to work with and commit to it for the long term - at least for a year. And then start to execute.
Your first job is to build your list. But don't just throw a bunch of names into the pot. You want to look for like-minded people (you can find them in any number of groups on FaceBook, just search your topic and join appropriate lists). Send requests to add group members as friends. Then work on the second part of your job - building a relationship with your list. Whatever you do, don't, don't beat them over the head with your opportunity. Communicate with them, get to know them. Take your time and build trust and respect. Strong relationships will pay dividends over time.